<< Previous | Index | Next >>"CAN WE TRUST THE BIBLE?" Regarding Its All-Sufficiency For Salvation? INTRODUCTION 1. Even though the Bible... a. Has been faithfully preserved and translated b. Contains the books that serve as our authority (canon) in religion c. Is inspired by God d. Can be understood -- There are some who deny the all-sufficiency of the Scriptures 2. For example, some accept in addition to the Bible... a. Traditions of their church which have developed over the years b. Papal or ecclesiastical decrees -- Who allow such 'traditions' or 'decrees' to take precedence over the Scriptures 3. Others accept in addition in to the Bible... a. Latter-day prophets b. Modern-day revelations -- Who allow such 'revelations' to take precedence over the Scriptures 4. When people appeal to other sources for their authority in religion... a. They reject 'the all-sufficiency of the Scriptures'... b. Religious confusion is the fruit! -- The way out of religious confusion is to recognize the need for the same standard of authority, which ought to be the Scriptures alone! [But are the Scriptures alone an all-sufficient guide? Consider the following arguments for 'the all-sufficiency of the Scriptures'...] I. THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD HAS BEEN PROCLAIMED A. IN HIS ADDRESS TO THE EPHESIAN ELDERS... 1. Paul said he had held nothing back - Ac 20:20 2. He had proclaimed "the whole counsel of God" - Ac 20:27 B. HE ENTRUSTED THEM TO THE WORD OF GOD... 1. Which was sufficient to "build you up" - Ac 20:32 2. Which was sufficient to "give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified" - Ac 20:32 [Paul did not leave them to 'revelations' or 'apostles' yet to come, but to the Word of God which was sufficient to save them! Now let's turn to the words of Peter...] II. WE HAVE ALL THINGS PERTAINING TO LIFE AND GODLINESS A. PETER WROTE IN HIS SECOND EPISTLE... 1. That God has given us "all things that pertain to life and godliness" - 2Pe 1:3 2. Through the knowledge of Him who called us - 2Pe 1:3 B. NOTE WELL WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN US... 1. He has not given 'some' things, but 'all' things 2. He has not given 'some' things now, with 'more' things to come later [Whatever I need for 'spiritual life' and 'godly conduct' has been revealed in God's Word! Regarding that revelation, let's now consider the words of Jude...] III. THE FAITH HAS BEEN REVEALED ONCE FOR ALL A. JUDE WROTE OF 'THE FAITH'... 1. I.e., those things in which we are to believe 2. That is was "once for all delivered to the saints" - Jude 3 B. DELIVERED 'ONE TIME FOR ALL TIME'... 1. In the Greek, 'once for all' is literally 'one time for all time' 2. I.e., the faith (that body of knowledge we are to believe) was delivered one time for all time 3. The faith wasn't partly revealed, with more to come through later revelations years later! 4. The faith wasn't revealed just for that generation, with a different faith to be revealed for a generation yet future! [Therefore the task we have is "to contend earnestly for the faith", not be looking for a new faith to fit our desires or expectations! Finally, we turn now to the writing of Paul...] IV. THE SCRIPTURES MAKE US COMPLETE, EQUIPPED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK A. PAUL WROTE OF THE VALUE OF THE SCRIPTURES... 1. That they are inspired of God, and profitable for: a. Doctrine and reproof b. Correction and instruction in righteousness - 2Ti 3:16 2. They are capable of making one "complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" a. Not partial, but complete! b. Not some good works, but every good work! - 2Ti 3:17 -- What tradition, decree of man, or modern day revelation, can do any more than the inspired Word of God? B. IN THE SCRIPTURES, WE HAVE ALL WE NEED... 1. To believe in Jesus - Jn 20:30-31 2. To have life in His name - Jn 20:30-31 3. To have fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the apostles - 1Jn 1:3 4. To have joy that is full - 1Jn 1:4 5. To have help when we sin - 1Jn 2:1 6. To know that we have eternal life - 1Jn 5:13 7. To understand the revelation of the mystery of God - Ro 16: 25-26; Ep 3:3-4 8. To be fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and have an abundant entrance into the everlasting kingdom - 2Pe 1:8-11 -- What else must one know or have? CONCLUSION 1. I hope I have given you reasons to place your faith in the Word of God, and it alone...! a. The whole counsel of God has been proclaimed! b. We have all things pertaining to life and godliness! c. The faith has been revealed once and for all! d. The Scriptures can make us complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work! 2. Can we trust the Bible...? a. Yes, for it has been faithfully preserved and translated! b. Yes, for it contains the books that rightly serve as our canon (authority)! c. Yes, for it is inspired of God! d. Yes, for it can be understood! e. Yes, for it is an all-sufficient guide for salvation! 3. Those who would deny such things are either... a. Atheists and skeptics who wish to reject the Bible which condemns their lifestyle b. Leaders of cults or man-made religions who desire your full allegiance to themselves But in the words of the apostle Paul... "I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." (Acts 20:32) Place your faith and trust in God and His Word alone, and you cannot go wrong!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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