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                        "THE CASE FOR CREATION"

                    The Scientific Case For Creation


1. In this series, we are examining several basic questions...
   a. Where did life come from?  How did it all begin?
   b. Is matter eternal, with life evolving through purely natural
   c. Is matter not eternal, with life created by a supernatural force?

2. Thus far we have considered...
   a. The Biblical Case For Creation
   b. The Philosophical Case For Creation

3. Now we shall consider The Scientific Case For Creation...
   a. Based on the evidence of intelligent design
   b. Which argues that evidence of design points to a creator

[Lee Strobel in "The Case For A Creator" offers a cumulative case for
creation, beginning with...]


      1. Scientific discoveries in the past 50 years confirm the
         universe had a beginning
      2. The universe is expanding in outward directions, suggesting one
         point of origin
      -- Every indication is that the universe began at some point

      1. Many scientists subscribe to the "Big Bang" theory
      2. "Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time
         itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang." - Stephen Hawkins
      3. But no one has been able to explain the cause of the "Big Bang"
         a. Some have speculated of multiple universes being formed ad
         b. But there is no evidence for such multiple universes
      4. Both scientist and Christian depend on faith to explain the
         beginning of the universe
      -- God as described in the Bible is certainly a sufficient First

[From the cosmos we turn our attention closer to home, where we


      1. More than thirty separate parameters require precise
         calibration to produce a life-sustaining planet - Robert
         Collins, physicist-philosopher
      2. "If you change a little bit the laws of nature, or you change a
         little bit the constants of nature -- like the charge on the
         electron -- then the way the universe develops is so changed,
         it is very likely that intelligent life would not have been
         able to develop." - Dr. Dennis Scania, head of Cambridge
         University Observatories
      3. "If we nudge one of these constants just a few percent in one
         direction, stars burn out within a million years of their
         formation, and there is no time for evolution. If we nudge it
         a few percent in the other direction, then no elements heavier
         than helium form. No carbon, no life. Not even any chemistry.
         No complexity at all." - Dr. David D. Deutsch, Institute of
         Mathematics, Oxford University
      4. "The really amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balanced
         on a knife-edge, but that the entire universe is balanced on a
         knife-edge, and would be total chaos if any of the natural
         'constants' were off even slightly. - Dr. Paul Davies,
         professor of theoretical physics at Adelaide University
      5. This "fine-tuning" is so pronounced, many scientists have come
         to espouse "The Anthropic Principle," which contends that the
         universe was brought into existence intentionally for the
         sake of producing mankind
      -- The possibility that life exists based on random chance alone
         is astronomical!

      1. "The fine-tuning of the physical laws and constants of the
         universe and the precise configuration of its initial
         conditions...suggest the need for a cause that's intelligent."
         - Stephen C. Meyer, Science philosopher
      2. "It is hard to resist the impression that the present structure
         of the universe, apparently so sensitive to minor alterations
         in numbers, has been rather carefully thought out..." - Paul
         Davies, physicist
      3. "The seemingly miraculous concurrence of these numerical values
         must remain the most compelling evidence for cosmic design."
         - ibid.
      4. "It is quite easy to understand why so many scientists have
         changed their minds in the past thirty years, agreeing that the
         universe cannot reasonably be explained as a cosmic accident."
         - Walter Bradley, scientist
      5. "Evidence for an intelligent designer becomes more compelling
         the more we understand our carefully crafted habitat." - ibid.
      6. "If the universe had not been made with the most exacting
         precision we could never have come into existence." - John A.
         O'Keefe, Harvard-educated astrophysicist of NASA
      7. "It is my view that these circumstances indicate the universe
         was created for man to live in." - ibid.
      -- The evidence for intelligent design in physics and astronomy is

[From the fine-tuning of the universe and conditions required for life
on this planet, we turn our focus to smallest of cells and...]


      1. Such as the simple cell
         a. "Most scientists speculated that the deeper they delved into
            the cell, the more simplicity they would find. But the
            opposite happened." - Michael Behe, biochemist
         b. "We have always underestimated the cell...The entire cell
            can be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate
            network of interlocking assembly lines, each of which is
            composed of a set of large protein machines." - Bruce
            Alberts, president, National Academy of Sciences
      2. Such as the bacterial flagellum
         a. "A flagellum is on the order of a couple of microns. A
            micron is about 1/20,000 of an inch. Most of its length is
            the propeller. The motor itself would be maybe 1/100,000ths
            of an inch." - Behe, ibid.
         b. "The flagellum's propeller can spin at 10,000 rpm...can stop
            spinning within a quarter turn and instantly start spinning
            the other way at 10,000 rpm." - ibid.
         c. "The most efficient machine in the universe" - Howard Berg
            of Harvard
      -- Such complexity at the molecular level cannot be explained by
         the theory of evolution

      1. "If the creation of a simple device (like a mouse trap)
         requires intelligent design, then we have to ask, 'What about
         the finely tuned machines of the cellular world?' - Behe, ibid.
      2. "If evolution can't adequately explain them, then scientists
         should be free to consider other alternatives." - ibid.
      3. "Right now, there's only one principle that we know can come up
         with complex interactive systems, and that's intelligence."
         - ibid.
      -- The evidence for intelligent design in biochemistry is

[The amazing complexity of the cell is made possible because of the
instructions found in its DNA, which leads us to...]


      1. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints or a recipe, or a
         code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct
         other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules
         - Wikipedia
      2. "An organism accesses the information that it needs from DNA so
         it can build some of its critical components." - Meyer, ibid.
      3. "DNA is like a software program, only much more complex than
         anything we've ever designed." - Bill Gates, Microsoft
      4. "Human DNA contains more organized information than the
         Encyclopedia Britannica." - Georg Sim Johnson, Did Darwin Get
         It Right?
      5. "If the full text of the encyclopedia were to arrive in
         computer code from outer space, most people would regard this
         as proof of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence."
         - ibid.
      6. "But when seen in nature, it is explained as the workings of
         random forces." - ibid.
      -- The sequential and logical nature of DNA makes random forces
         highly unlikely

      1. "Whenever you find a sequential arrangement that's complex and
         corresponds to an independent pattern or functional
         requirement, this kind of information is always the product of
         intelligence." - Meyer, ibid.
      2. "The origin of information in DNA - which is necessary for life
         to begin - is best explained by an intelligent cause rather
         than any of the types of naturalistic causes that scientists
         typically use to explain biological phenomena." - ibid.
      3. "This new realm of molecular genetics is where we see the most
         compelling evidence of design on the earth." - Dean Kenyon,
         biology professor
      4. "An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us
         now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life
         appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the
         conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get
         it going." - Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner
      -- The evidence of intelligent design is found in the smallest
         building blocks of life!


1. In this brief presentation of "The Scientific Case For Creation", we
   have touched on...
   a. The evidence of cosmology
   b. The evidence of physics and astronomy
   c. The evidence of biochemistry
   d. The evidence of biological information
   -- All of which point toward creation by an intelligent designer

2. As our scientific knowledge increases, so does evidence for creation
   by an intelligent designer...
   a. "Ironically, the picture of the universe bequeathed to us by the
      most advanced twentieth-century science is closer in spirit to the
      vision presented in...Genesis than anything offered by science
      since Copernicus." - Patrick Glynn, former atheist and author of
      God:  The Evidence 
   b. "It now seems to me that the findings of more than fifty years of
      DNA research have provided materials for a new and enormously
      powerful argument to design." - Anthony Flew, philosopher and
      former atheist

Note:  Much of the material in this lesson comes from "The Case For A
Creator" by Lee Strobel, which describes his own spiritual journey from
atheist to believer.

Perhaps it would thus be fitting to conclude with this quotation:

   "One of the most interesting things I've learned as I've gone
   on this journey of scientific discovery has been that you don't
   have to commit intellectual suicide to acknowledge the existence
   of an Intelligent Designer, because today science is pointing
   more directly toward a Creator than at any time in the history
   of the world." - Lee Strobel

Confirming what the Bible revealed thousands of years ago...

   The heavens declare the glory of  God;
      And the firmament shows His handiwork.

   Day unto day utters speech,
      And night unto night reveals knowledge.
                                              - Psalms 19:1-2

   For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes
   are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,
   even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without
                                              - Romans 1:20

   By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word
   of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things
   which are visible.
                                              - Hebrews 11:3

Our next study we will consider...

                   "The Historical Case For Creation"

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