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                         "THE GOSPEL OF MARK"

                           Chapter Fourteen

This lengthy chapter describes the flurry of events leading to Jesus'
arrest and trial, with the plot to kill Jesus (1-2,10-11), Jesus'
anointment by Mary (3-9), the last Passover supper and institution of
the Lord's Supper (12-31), Jesus' prayers in the garden (32-42), the
betrayal by Judas and accompanying arrest (43-52), the appearance
before the high priest and the council (53-65), and Peter's denial as
foretold by Jesus (66-72).


   *  The events leading to the arrest of Jesus

   *  The institution of the Lord's Supper

   *  Judas' betrayal, the council's abuse, and Peter's denial


1) What are the main points of this chapter?
   - The plot to kill Jesus - Mk 14:1-2,10-11
   - Jesus anointed at Bethany - Mk 14:3-9     
   - The last supper - Mk 14:12-31              
   - Prayers in the garden - Mk 14:32-42  
   - Betrayal and arrest - Mk 14:43-52
   - Before the high priest - Mk 14:53-65
   - Peter denies Jesus - Mk 14:66-72

2) Who plotted to take Jesus by trickery and kill Him? (1-2)
   - The chief priests and scribes

3) What did Jesus say would be done for Mary (cf. Jn 12:3) who anointed 
   Him? (9)
   - What she did would be proclaimed throughout the world as a memorial
     to her

4) Who went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them? (10)
   - Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles

5) What did Jesus institute while eating the Passover? (22-25; cf. 1Co
   - The Lord's Supper

6) What did Jesus predict would happen that night? (27-31)
   - All His disciples would stumble, even Peter would deny Him three

7) What did Jesus pray for in the garden of Gethsemane (36,39)
   - "Take this cup away from Me, nevertheless not as I will, but as You

8) What claim was Jesus willing to accept at His trial? (61-62)   
   - That He was the Christ, the Son of the Blessed (God)

9) After Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, what did he do? (72)
   - He went out and wept
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