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                       "THE BOOK OF REVELATION"

                     All Things Made New (21:1-8)


1. Chapter twenty ended with...
   a. The ultimate defeat and eternal torment of Satan together with the 
      beast and false prophet - Re 20:10
   b. The present earth and the heaven having fled away, with no place
      found for them - Re 20:11
   c. The great white throne judgment in which all stand before God to
      be judged - Re 20:11-14

2. Chapter twenty-one begins with John's final vision...
   a. Of a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had
      passed away - Re 21:1
   b. Of the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God
      - Re 21:2

[Thus begins John's description of the eternal destiny of the redeemed. 
This would have been great interest to the original recipients of this
book, and should certainly be of great interest to us today!  Let's begin


      1. John sees a new heaven and a new earth - Re 21:1a
      2. The first heaven and earth had passed away, and there was no sea
         - Re 21:b
      -- Remember what was said earlier about the earth and the heaven
         - cf. Re 20:11

      1. The description of a new heaven and new earth is used to provide
         great hope and comfort to Christians concerning their eternal destiny
      2. This is certainly nothing new, for both Old and New Testament
         provided similar promises to increase anticipation of the future 
         a. Isaiah's prophecy to Israel, concerning new heavens & a new 
            earth - Isa 65:17; 66:22
         b. Peter's reference to the promise of new heavens & new earth 
            - 2Pe 3:13 
      3. Many think that it refers to refurbished heavens & earth, but I 
         lean toward a completely new creation
         a. Jesus said heaven and earth will "pass away" - Mt 24:35
         b. Hebrews says that things that are made will be removed - He
         c. John said "fled away", "found no place for them", they had
            "passed away" - Re 20:11; 21:1   
         d. "no more sea" has been variously explained, but I like this
            1) "The sea to the ancients was not so much expressive of
               majesty and grandeur, as something dangerous, destructive,
               restless." - David S. Clark, The Message From Patmos
            2) "Isaiah says, 'But the wicked are like the troubled sea,
               that cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.'" (Isa
               57:20) - ibid.
            2) "But that heavenly life will be calm and peaceful, no storms
               to break, no uncanny dangers to lurk and threaten." - ibid.
         3. So perhaps it simply indicates a very different creation of this
            "new earth"
      -- If a totally "new creation", it will certainly be suitable for
         our resurrected bodies that will be spiritual, immortal and 
         incorruptible! - cf. 1Co 15:42-44,50-53 

[At this point one might wonder, "But I thought we would spend eternity
with God in heaven!".  Let's continue to examine what is said here in
Revelation, especially regarding...]


      1. John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
         - Re 21:2a
      2. It was prepared as a bride adorned for her husband - Re 21:2b
      -- Remember what was said earlier about the New Jerusalem - cf. Re 3:12

      1. The description of the holy city, New Jerusalem, also provides
         great hope and comfort to Christians concerning their eternal destiny
      2. This likewise is certainly not a new concept, for the writer of
         Hebrews makes mention of it:
         a. As that city which Abraham and the patriarchs looked forward to
            - He 11:10,13-16
         b. As that city which Christians looked forward to - He 12:22-24;
      3. Note carefully: that John describes this city as "coming down out
         of heaven from God" - Re 21:2a
         a. As Jesus said, "which comes down out of heaven from My God"
            - Re 3:12
         b. As would be described later again as, "descending out of heaven
            from God" - Re 21:10
      4. Note well:  This hope, the holy city New Jerusalem is currently 
         in heaven
         a. A hope perhaps referenced to by both Paul and Peter - Col 1:5;
            1Pe 1:4
         b. But when ultimately realized by the redeemed, three times it is
            described as coming down "out of heaven from God"!
      -- As we will see, the redeemed will not spend eternity in heaven with
         God, but God will spend eternity with the redeemed in the holy city,
         New Jerusalem, which "comes down out of heaven"!

[So let us continue to see how this all is described further by a loud voice
from heaven...]


      1. "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men" - Re 21:3
         a. "He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people"
         b. "God Himself will be with them and be their God"
      2. "God will wipe away every tear from their eyes" - Re 21:4
         a. "There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying"
         b. "There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed
      -- Words of great promise and comfort, for those for whom the words
         are intended!

      1. Again, note carefully what it is said about holy city, the New
         Jerusalem - Re 21:3
         a. "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men"
         b. God's dwelling place will be with men
      2. Notice the direction of the relationship between God and the
         a. God is with men, He will dwell with them, He will be with them
         b. Not we will be with God, but that He will be with us!
         c. Where?  In this holy city, the New Jerusalem, which three times
            is described as "coming down out of heaven" - Re 3:12; 21:2,10
         d. Where? In the new heaven and new earth referenced to by Peter!
            - 2Pe 3:13-14 
      3. And of course, notice how God will wipe away every tear from our
         eyes - Re 21:4
         a. By removing any more occurrence of death, sorry, crying, pain
         b. Such former things have passed away, just like the old heaven
            and old earth! - cf. Re 20:11; 21:1
      -- Here is the ultimate fulfillment of God's desire for mankind! 
         - cf. Lev 26:11-12; 2Co 6:16

[What wonderful blessings proclaimed for the redeemed who remain faithful
unto death!  But this proclamation for the righteous is reinforced by God
Himself, along with a warning for the wicked...]


      1. "Behold, I make all things new" - Re 21:5
         a. "Write, for these words are true and faithful"
         b. "It is done!"
      2. "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End" - Re
         a. "I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to
            him who thirsts"
         b. "He who overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his
            God and he shall be My son"
      3. "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually
         immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars..." - Re 21:8
         a. "Shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and
         b. "Which is the second death"
      -- Again, words of great promise and comfort, for those for whom the 
         words are intended, along with a terrible warning for others!

      1. Consider the words "I make all things new", they likely reference:
         a. The new heaven and new earth, along with the holy new Jerusalem
         b. How the tabernacle (dwelling) of God is with men (as opposed to
            men being with God in heaven)
         c. How God will wipe away death, sorrow, pain, for the former
            things have passed away 
      2. Consider the words "for these words are true and faithful"
         a. They are repeated again in the next chapter - cf. Re 22:6
         b. Do they serve as "bookends" for what is written between Re
         c. That what is described therein pertains to what is real (true)
            and trustworthy (faithful)?
         d. I.e., while much (if not most) of Revelation should be understood
            as symbolic (cf. "signified", Re 1:1), the words from 
            Re 21:5-22:6 might actually depict what will be reality!
         e. They do describe things found in books like Hebrews and 2 Peter
            which are not figurative
      3. Consider the wonderful promise to those who "thirst" and "overcome"
         a. The fountain of the water of life will be given freely! - cf.
            Jn 4:10; Re 7:17; 22:17
         b. The one who overcomes shall inherit all things and be God's son!
            - cf. Ro 8:15-17; 1Jn 3:1-3
      4. Consider the terrible promise for those who are "cowardly, 
         unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers,
         idolaters, and all liars"
         a. They shall have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone
            - Re 21:8
         b. To suffer together with the beast, the false prophet, and
            Satan himself! - cf. Re 20:10,15 
      -- The eternal destiny of both the redeemed and the condemned are
         summarized in these verses! 


1. The words in this section of Revelation describes things that will be
   new and different...
   a. A new heaven and new earth, with a holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
      down out of heaven
   b. With the final destiny of those who overcome in Christ, and of those
      who refuse to believe in Him!

2. In our next study, we will consider more in detail what is promised for
   those who overcome in Christ...
   a. The holy city, New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven
   b. In which God and the Lamb will dwell with the redeemed in Christ

Are we making preparation to spend eternity with God and the Lamb in the
holy city, the New Jerusalem?  
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