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                       "THE BOOK OF REVELATION"

                  The Fifth & Six Trumpets (9:1-21)


1. In chapter eight, the seventh seal was opened, followed by...
   a. Silence in heaven for a half hour - Re 8:1
   b. The preparation for the sounding of seven trumpets - Re 8:2-6
   c. The sounding of the first four trumpets, with depictions of natural
      calamities - Re 8:7-12
   d. A three-fold ominous announcement of woe regarding the three remaining
      trumpets - Re 8:13

2. As with the seven seals, I believe the seven trumpets relate to the events
   leading to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., as foretold by Jesus
   prior to His crucifixion - cf. Mt 23:34-39; 24:1-34; Lk 21:20-36; 23:27-31
   a. Just as the first four seals revealed military conquest, civil war,
      famine, death, as instruments of judgment against unfaithful Jerusalem
      for persecuting the people of God
   b. So the first four trumpets revealed environmental devastation that
      would accompany the instruments of judgment against unfaithful Israel
      leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem
[As we read what happens in chapter nine when the fifth & sixth trumpets
are sounded, we can appreciate why the three-fold ominous announcement was
given at the end of chapter eight (Re 8:13)...]


      1. The "star" fallen from heaven - Re 9:1-2
         a. With the sounding of the fifth trumpet...
            1) John saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth
            2) To whom was given the key to the bottomless pit
         b. When the bottomless pit was opened...
            1) Smoke like that of a great furnace arose out of the pit
            2) The sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke
      2. The "locusts" and their power - Re 9:3-10
         a. Out of the smoke locusts with great power came upon the earth
            1) Power like scorpions
            2) Commanded not to harm the grass, any green thing, or any tree
         b. The extent and nature of their power
            1) Could harm only those who do not have the seal of God on
               their foreheads - cf. Re 7:3-4
            2) Could not kill, but only torment for five months
            3) Men will seek death, but death will flee from them
         c. The locusts described
            1) Their shape like horses prepared for battle
            2) On their heads were crowns of something like gold
            3) Their faces were like those of men
            4) Their hair was like women's hair
            5) Their teeth was like lions' teeth
            6) With breastplates like those of iron
            7) The sound of their wings like chariots with many running
            8) With tails like scorpions, and stings in their tail (though
               limited in power)
      3. The "king" over them - Re 9:11
         a. The angel of the bottomless pit
         b. Whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon
      -- The first of three woes is past; two more to come - Re 9:12

      1. First, consider the following:
         a. This vision is clearly intended to be figurative, not literal
         b. For a literal star falling to the earth would annihilate it
            completely, end of story
         c. With the first trumpet, 1/3 of the trees and green grass were
            burned up
         d. With the fifth trumpet, the scorpions were not to hurt the grass,
            trees, any green thing
         e. The scorpions could not harm those with the seal of God on their
             foreheads - cf. Re 7:2-3
         f. The scorpions' power was limited:  they could not kill, only
            torment five months
         g. The scorpions were shaped like horses prepared for battle
         h. Their king was the angel from the bottomless pit
         i. Whose names were:  Abaddon (Heb., lit., Destruction), Apollyon
            (Grk., lit., Destroyer)
      2. Together with the first four trumpets, I suggest the fifth and sixth
         trumpets signify tools at God's disposal to bring wrath upon the 
         persecutors of His people
         a. I concur with others that the vision of locusts from the
            bottomless pit symbolizes the hellish rottenness and internal
            decadence that would weaken the enemies of God's people from 
         b. Though allowed to go only so far, Satan's influence can have the
            effect of weakening a nation from within
         c. David Chilton describes the evidence from history that Jews in
            the Last Days (A.D. 66–70) had literally become demonized (as
            quoted by Steve Gregg, Revelation, Four Views):  "The entire 
            generation became increasingly demon-possessed; their progressive
            national insanity is apparent as one reads through the New 
            Testament, and its horrifying final stages in the pages of
            Josephus' The Jewish War: the loss of all ability to reason, the
            frenzied mobs attacking one another, the deluded multitudes 
            following the most transparently false prophets, the crazed and
            desperate chase after food, the mass murders, executions and
            suicides, the fathers slaughtering their own families and the
            mothers eating their own children. Satan and the host of hell
            simply swarmed through the land of Israel and consumed the 
      -- When mankind forsakes God, one way He judges them is to simply "give
         them up" to moral uncleanness, vile passions, debased minds, resulting
         in the fall of civilization - cf. Ro 1:18-32

[With one "woe" described through the sounding of the fifth trumpet, we
now move on to the second "woe"...]


      1. The four angels bound at the Euphrates - Re 9:13-15
         a. With the sounding of the sixth trumpet...
            1) John heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar
               before God
            2) Speaking to the sixth angel who had the trumpet
            3) Telling him to release the four angels bound at the river
         b. The four angels released...
            1) Who had been prepared for the hour, day, month, and year
            2) Who were to kill a third of mankind
      2. The army of two hundred million horsemen - Re 9:16-19
         a. John heard the number of them
         b. What he saw in the vision...
            1) Those on the horses had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth
               blue, sulfur yellow
            2) The horses had heads like those of lions
            3) Out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone
         c. The power of this great army...
            1) A third of mankind killed by the fire, smoke, and brimstone
            2) The power to harm is in their mouth and tails like serpents'
      3. The failure of the survivors to repent - Re 9:20-21
         a. Those not killed did not repent of their idolatry
         b. Nor did they repent of their murders, sorceries, sexual
            immoralities, or thefts
      -- This is not the end of the second woe; it continues in chapter
         eleven - Re 11:14

      1. As with the vision of the scorpions, the vision of the 200 million
         horsemen is figurative
         a. One that would have fearful impact upon the Jews of the first
         b. It was across the Euphrates that Israel's conquerors had previously
            come—Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia - Jay Adams, The Time Is At Hand
         c. Moreover, there were places at this very time where Roman armies
            were stationed along the Euphrates. Cf. Josephus, Wars 7:1:3. The
            10th legion, which participated in the destruction, had been 
            located there. - ibid.
      2. Thus it is likely that the 200 million horsemen symbolize external
         invasion as another instrument God would use upon unfaithful Jerusalem
         a. Together with natural calamities (the first four trumpets), the
            internal decadence and external invasion (the fifth & sixth trumpets)
            combined to bring judgment upon apostate Israel 
         b. Even as Jesus foretold would happen to the Jews of His generation
            - cf. Mt 12:43-45; Lk 21:20-24
      -- That these visions of the seven trumpets are directed toward unfaithful
         Jerusalem becomes more apparent as we consider chapters ten and eleven


1. The judgment described in the visions of Revelation can be very unsettling,
   especially those depicted when the first six trumpets are sounded...

2. But keep these thoughts in mind...
   a. With the first four trumpets, the environmental catastrophes impacted
      only a third
   b. With the fifth trumpet...
      1) The scorpions could not harm the grass, trees, or those with the
         seal of God on their forehead
      2) The scorpions were only permitted to torment (not kill) for five
   c. With the sixth trumpet...  
      1) The horsemen were permitted to kill only a third
      2) Those not killed refused to repent of their idolatry, murder, sorcery,
         sexual immorality, and thefts

3. In other words, the visions of the trumpets thus far appeared designed to
   encourage people in Israel...
   a. To repent before the judgments depicted by them were to begin
   b. To take comfort in knowing if they have the seal of God on their
      forehead (cf. the 144,000 of Israel in chapter seven) they would be
      able to stand in the day of the Lamb's wrath

4. And the Jewish Christians did...!  
   a. For when Jerusalem was surrounded by Roman armies in 70 A.D.
   b. They fled the city when given the opportunity to do so during the

Sadly, most Jews did not heed Jesus' warnings.  We should ask ourselves,
are we heeding His warnings and those of His apostles in the New Testament
concerning the day in which Jesus will judge the world? - cf. Ac 17:30-31
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