<< Previous | Index | Next >>"CONDEMNED BY OTHERS" Luke 11:31-32 INTRODUCTION 1. On the Judgment Day, we will be judged by Jesus Christ... a. As claimed by Jesus Himself - Jn 12:48 b. As taught by the apostle Paul - Ac 17:30-31; 2Co 5:10; 2Ti 4:1 2. But Jesus also spoke of others judging on that Day... a. The Queen of the South - Lk 11:31 b. The men of Nineveh - Lk 11:32 [In what way will they judge the generation of Jesus' day? Might they also judge us on that day? Let's take a closer look...] I. THE QUEEN OF THE SOUTH A. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND... 1. The Queen of the South was also known as the Queen of Sheba - 1Ki 10:1 a. Sheba was likely a city of Arabia (possibly Yemen) b. Located south of Judea, at least twelve hundred miles (Hendriksen) 2. She came to see Solomon - 1Ki 10:2-13 a. With a great retinue and much wealth b. But was amazed by Solomon's wisdom and wealth c. She praised Solomon and gave him great gifts d. Solomon gave gifts to her in return B. WHY SHE WILL CONDEMN THEM... 1. She traveled a great distance to hear truth; they had the truth at hand - Lk 11:31 2. She traveled to hear Solomon; they had access to One far wiser, better and greater 3. By past example and future testimony she will condemn those who rejected Jesus! C. WILL SHE CONDEMN US...? 1. If we reject such easy access to the Word of God today? 2. If we allow such things as time and distance to keep us from learning the truth, attending services, going to gospel meetings, etc.? D. MIGHT OTHERS CONDEMN US...? 1. There are Christians today whose example might put us to shame a. Who must use public transportation, travel great distances, often with feeble health, to attend services of the church, or to hear the gospel preached b. Might they not rise with the Queen of the South to condemn us on the Judgment Day, if we make excuses for not making the effort to learn the truth and serve the Lord? 2. There are even non-Christians whose example could shame us a. Those whose make great sacrifices for their political or religious views b. Do they serve their ideologies with greater fervor than we do our Lord? [Now let's take a closer look at...] II. THE MEN OF NINEVEH A. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND... 1. Jonah was sent to preach to the Ninevites - Jon 1:1-2; 3:1-4 a. The capital of ancient Assyria, a large city b. His message: "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown! 2. The men of Nineveh responded favorably - Jon 3:5-10 a. The people believed, proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth b. The king likewise, calling for national fasting and prayer for forgiveness c. God relented from the disaster He said that He would bring upon them B. WHY THEY WILL CONDEMN THEM... 1. The Ninevites heeded: a. A minor prophet - Lk 11:32 b. A sinful, foolish, and bigoted prophet c. A message of damnation and doom d. A sermon without signs and wonder to confirm it 2. The Israelites rejected: a. The Son of God - Lk 11:32 b. A sinless, wise and compassionate Messiah c. A message of grace and redemption d. Many sermons with signs and wonders to confirm them as being from God 3. By past example and future testimony they will condemn those who rejected Jesus! C. WILL THEY CONDEMN US...? 1. If we reject the words of Jesus Christ today? 2. If we refuse to repent and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ, despite the many opportunities that have been given to us? D. MIGHT OTHERS CONDEMN US...? 1. There are Christians today whose example might put us to shame a. Who respond in faith and repentance as soon as they understand God's Word? b. Might they not rise with the men of Nineveh to condemn us on the Judgment Day, if we make excuses for not obeying the truth though we've heard it many times? 2. There are even non-Christians whose example could shame us a. Who quickly respond in obedience, even though it may be to religious error? b. Do they serve their false religions with greater fervor than we do our Lord? CONCLUSION 1. With whom shall we stand on the Judgment Day...? a. Will it be with those like the Queen of the South and the men of Nineveh? b. Or with those like the Israelites who rejected the Savior sent to them? 2. The answer depends on how we make use of the opportunities given us... a. Whether we will make the effort to learn the truth b. Whether we will make the effort to heed the truth Even more than the Israelites of Jesus' day, we have been given a great opportunity to know, learn and obey His message of grace and salvation. Reject it, and we can expect to be condemned, not only by Jesus, but by all who received His message in faith and obedience...!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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