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Mailable Gospel Tracts
Evangelistic tracts suitable for mailing (8 files)
Today, there are many good ways to evangelize. One way to share the gospel is by mailing tracts - see Evangelism Made Easy - Tracts (PDF) (PPT). Below are tri-fold gospel tracts that you might find useful in your own evangelistic efforts.I like to mail one tract per month to everyone on my street (I use my name and home address for the return address so they know who mailed it). Members of the local church are doing the same in their neighborhoods, and to areas around the church building. I also carry tracts with me to invite people to church, or to share the gospel with them on the spot.
They are available in two formats: 1) PDF for easy online viewing; 2) DOC to download and edit. Be sure to replace the return address and other pertinent information as it may apply.
These tracts were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God be the glory!
- This Is Your Invitation! (PDF) (DOC)
Inviting people to services of the church - Letting them know who we are - Simply Christians - The authority of Christ - The gospel for all - The nature of the church - What to expect in our services
- The Gospel Of Jesus Christ (PDF) (DOC)
Presenting the gospel of Jesus - Preliminary considerations - Facts to believe - Commands to obey - Promises to receive - Examples of conversion - How about you?
- The Savior's Invitation (PDF) (DOC)
The tender invitation to souls burdened by sin and its consequences - To whom is the invitation given? - What is Jesus offering? - What does Jesus ask in return? - How difficult is it to accept? - How about you?
- The Gospel Of Grace (PDF) (DOC)
The good news of God's mercy to sinners - The "need" for grace - The "provision" of grace - The "reception" of grace - Why don't more people respond this way to God's grace? - How about you?
- The Gospel Of The Church (PDF) (DOC)
Good news about the church Jesus established - The church defined - The church described - The church defiled - The church today - The church and you
- Are You A Disciple Of Jesus? (PDF) (DOC)
Jesus wants disciples! - Definition of discipleship - Marks of discipleship - Cost of discipleship - Rewards of discipleship - Beginning of discipleship
- Following Jesus Without Denominationalism (PDF) (DOC)
38,000 denominations? - Want to be just a Christian? - What is a denomination? - What is denominationalism? - Is denominationalism wrong? - You can be just a Christian!
- How About A Home Bible Study? (PDF) (DOC)
Interested in learning more about the Bible, Jesus, and His church? - Why would anyone want to know more about the Bible? - The Bible is God's power to save - It is God's power to comfort - Who am I? - What am I offering?
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