Chapter One
- To note the virtues that demonstrated the spiritual growth and
development of the church at Thessalonica
- To glean what will happen when Christ comes again, and upon whom His
vengeance will fall
As in the first epistle, Paul is joined by Silvanus and Timothy as he
extends a salutation to the church of the Thessalonians, along with a
petition for grace and peace in their behalf (1-2).
He makes mention of his obligation to always thank God for the growth
of their faith and the way their love abounded towards one another. He
is so impressed that he has boasted to other churches of their patience
and faith in the midst of persecutions and tribulations (3-4).
Paul then offers encouragement in their persecutions by reminding them
of the righteous judgment of God. Because of their suffering, which
made them worthy of the kingdom of God, God will be righteous to bring
tribulation upon those who trouble them, and to give them rest along
with Paul and others. This will happen when Jesus is revealed from
heaven with His mighty angels, when in flaming fire He will take
vengeance on those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel
of Jesus Christ. While these are punished with everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord, Christ Himself will be glorified in that
Day and admired by all those who believe (5-10).
This leads to his prayer concerning them. His desire is that God would
count them worthy of His calling, fulfill His good pleasure and the
work of faith with power, and that the name of the Lord might be
glorified in them, and they in Him, in keeping with the grace of God
and the Lord Jesus Christ (11-12).
- From Paul
- Also Silvanus and Timothy
- GREETINGS (1b-2)
- To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the
Lord Jesus Christ (1b)
- Grace and peace from God and Jesus (2)
- Such thanksgiving is fitting in view of:
- Their faith growing exceedingly (3a)
- Their love abounding toward each other (3b)
- Paul and his companions even boast of them among the churches
of God (4a)
- For their patience and faith (4b)
- In all their persecutions and tribulations they endured
- Their persecutions are evidence of God's righteous judgment to
come (5-7a)
- In which they shall be counted worthy of the kingdom of God
- In which God will repay with tribulation those who trouble
them (6)
- In which they will receive rest (7a)
- Such judgment will occur when Jesus is revealed from heaven
- With His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance
- On those who do not know God (8b)
- On those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ (8c)
- Punishing such with everlasting destruction (9a)
- From the presence of the Lord (9b)
- From the glory of His power (9c)
- Jesus will come in that Day... (10a)
- To be glorified in His saints (10b)
- To be admired among all those who believe (10c)
-- Because Paul's testimony among them was believed (10d)
- That God would...
- Count them worthy of His calling (11a)
- Fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work
of faith with power (11b)
- That according to the grace of God and the Lord Jesus
- The name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in them
- And they may be glorified in Him (12b)
Show / Hide Answers
- What are the main points of this chapter?
- Introduction (1-2)
- Encouragement in persecutions (3-12)
- Who joins Paul in sending this letter? (1)
- How does Paul identify the church? (1)
- The church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ
- What two reasons does Paul give for why he thanks God always for
them? (3)
- Because their faith grows exceedingly
- Because their love abounds toward each other
- What did Paul boast among the churches of God in regards to the
Thessalonians? (4)
- Of their patience and faith in all the persecutions and
tribulations they endured
- What was one consequence of their suffering? (5)
- That they may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God
- What does God consider it a righteous thing to do? (6)
- To repay with tribulation those who trouble them
- What will those who are troubled receive when the Lord is revealed
from heaven? (7)
- Rest with Paul and others
- Who will accompany Jesus when He is revealed from heaven? (7)
- Upon whom will Jesus take vengeance in flaming fire? (8)
- Those who do not know God
- Those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
- How will they be punished? (9)
- With everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and
from the glory of His power
- What two things will happen to Jesus when He comes? (10)
- He will be glorified in His saints
- He will be admired among all those who believe
- What five things does Paul pray for in behalf of the Thessalonians?
- That God would count them worthy of His calling
- That God would fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness
- That God would fulfill the work of faith with power
- That the name of Jesus Christ may be glorified in them
- That they may be glorified in Him