Chapter Four

Since many Israelites failed to enter their Canaan rest because of unbelief, the author says we should fear lest we come short of our promised rest: heaven (1-10). Diligence is also required, and the third of six warnings is given: a warning against disobedience in view of God's living and powerful Word (11-13). A positive motivation is then given: our great High Priest, Jesus, who enables us to obtain mercy and grace as needed (14-16).

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  1. What are the main points of this chapter?
    • The promised rest He 4:1-10
    • A warning against disobedience He 4:11-13
    • Our great High Priest He 4:14-16
  2. Since we have a promise of rest, why should we fear? (1)
    • Lest we come short of it
  3. Why did the word fail to profit many Israelites? (2)
    • Because they did not have faith in what they heard
  4. What three different "rests" are spoken of in this chapter? (4-10)
    • Sabbath rest (He 4:4), Canaan rest (He 4:8), Heavenly rest (He 4:9-10)
  5. What "rest" remains for us? What is required of us to enter it? (10-11)
    • The heavenly rest; diligence, lest we disobey and fall like many in Israel
  6. How is the word of God described in this chapter? (12)
    • Living and powerful
    • Sharper than any two-edged sword
    • Piercing even to the division of soul and spirit
    • A discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart
  7. To whom must we give account? (13)
    • The One who sees all
  8. Why should we hold fast our confession? (14-16)
    • We have a great High Priest, Jesus the Son of God
    • He sympathizes with our weaknesses, because He was tempted (though without sin)
    • We can approach God's throne boldly, obtain mercy and grace in time of need