Chapter Eight

As Jesus' ministry in Galilee continues, Matthew describes several miracles and related events. Coming down from the mount, Jesus cleansed a leper (1-4). Entering Capernaum, He healed a centurion's servant (5-13). Arriving at Peter's house, He healed his mother-in-law and many demon-possessed and all who were sick (14-17). Before crossing the Sea of Galilee to escape large crowds, Jesus challenged two would-be disciples (18-22). After calming the winds and waves of a great tempest (23-27), He arrived on the other side of the sea where He healed two demon-possessed men (28-34).

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  1. What are the main points of this chapter?
    - Five miracles in the regions of Galilee and the Gergesenes - Mt 8:1-17,23-34
    - The cost of discipleship - Mt 8:18-22
  2. List the five miracles recorded in this chapter (1-4,5-13,14-17,23-27, 28-34)
    - Jesus cleanses a leper
    - Jesus heals a centurion's servant
    - Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law (and many others)
    - Jesus calms the wind and the waves
    - Jesus heals two demon-possessed men
  3. Before healing the centurion's servant, what impressed Jesus? (10)
    - The great faith of the centurion who was a Gentile
  4. Before healing the servant, what did Jesus foretell? (11-12)
    - Gentiles would enter the kingdom, while many Israelites would not
  5. In Peter's house, who did Jesus heal? What prophecy was fulfilled? (14-17)
    - His mother-in-law, and all the sick that were brought to Him
    - "He Himself took our infirmities And bore our sicknesses" - Isa 53:4
  6. What two lessons did Jesus teach about discipleship? (19-22)
    - It can mean a life of poverty; it requires precedence over familial duties
  7. What can we learn about fear and faith, before Jesus calmed the sea? (25-26)
    - Fear comes from having little faith
  8. Who did the demons acknowledge Jesus to be as He confronted them? (29)
    - The Son of God