Chapter Seventeen

The events recorded in this chapter begin with Jesus transfigured on the mountain (1-13), referenced to later by Peter in his epistle (2Pe 1:16-18). Afterward Jesus healed a demon-possessed boy when His disciples were unable due to a lack of faith and prayer (14-21). Back in Galilee, Jesus once again predicted His death and resurrection (22-23). Upon arriving in Capernaum, Jesus expounded on the payment of the temple tax (24-27).

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  1. What are the main points of this chapter?
    - The transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mt 17:1-13
    - Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy - Mt 17:14-21
    - Jesus again predicts His death and resurrection - Mt 17:22-23
    - The payment of taxes - Mt 17:24-27
  2. When was Jesus transfigured on the mount? (1)
    - After six days of saying some would not die before seeing Him coming in His kingdom (cf. Mt 16:28; Mk 9:1-2; Lk 9:27-28)
  3. Who appeared when Jesus was transfigured? What might they represent? (3)
    - Moses and Elijah; the Law and the Prophets
  4. What did the voice from the cloud say about Jesus? What might it indicate? (5)
    - "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!"
    - That Jesus would have priority over the Law and the Prophets
  5. When were the disciples to tell others what they had seen? (9)
    - Not until Jesus had risen from the dead
  6. Who did Jesus say had come? Who had fulfilled that prophecy? (10-13)
    - Elijah (cf. Mal 4:5); John the Baptist
  7. Why were the disciples unable to heal the demon-possessed boy? (19-21)
    - Because of their lack of faith and prayer
  8. What did Jesus predict for the second time to His disciples? (22-23)
    - His betrayal, death, and resurrection from the dead
  9. Did Jesus teach His disciples to pay taxes? How did He pay the tax? (24-27)
    - Yes (cf. Mt 22:15-22); by having Peter catch a fish with a coin in its mouth