Chapter Twenty-One

Jesus began His Last Week before His crucifixion with a triumphant entry into Jerusalem (1-11), followed with dramatic acts like driving the moneychangers from the temple (12-17) and cursing the barren fig tree (18-22). His authority was soon challenged (23-27), and in response Jesus told the parables of the two sons (28-32) and the wicked vinedressers (33-46), understood by the religious leaders to be directed toward them.

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  1. What are the main points of this chapter?
    - The triumphal entry - Mt 21:1-11
    - Jesus cleanses the temple - Mt 21:12-17
    - Jesus curses the fig tree - Mt 21:18-22
    - Jesus' authority questioned - Mt 21:23-27
    - The parable of the two sons - Mt 21:28-32
    - The parable of the wicked vinedressers - Mt 21:33-46
  2. What prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem? (4-5)
    - The prophecy by Zechariah, Zec 9:9
  3. Why was Jesus angry at the merchandising going on in the temple? (13)
    - God's house of prayer had been turned into a den of thieves
  4. Why were the religious leaders angry with Jesus? (15)
    - For what they saw Jesus doing, and what they heard people saying
  5. What might the cursing of the barren fig tree signify? (19)
    - The Lord's displeasure and coming judgment upon Israel's leaders
  6. Where does authority in religion come from? (25)
    - Either from heaven (the Word of God) or from men (teachings of men)
  7. Who did the two sons in the parable represent? (28-32)
    - The first son: tax collectors and harlots who repented at the preaching of John
    - The second son: religious leaders who did not believe John
  8. What prophecy foretold that religious leaders would reject Jesus? (42)
    - The one found in Ps 118:22-23