Walking Together In Unity (4:1-16)
- For three chapters, Paul has dealt with "doctrine" in which he has
described both:
- Our spiritual "possessions" in Christ (1)
- Our spiritual "position" in Christ (2,3)
- In the remaining three chapters of this epistle, Paul will focus on
"duty", i.e., responsibilities that are ours because of the blessings
we enjoy as described in the previous chapters
- Of the blessings described, one upon which Paul elaborated is the
"unity" that we have in Christ by virtue of His work on the cross...
- He has reconciled both Jew and Gentile to God in "one body" -
Ep 2:14-16
- Now, Gentiles can be fellow heirs, of the "same body" - Ep 3:6
- It should not be surprising, then, that the first duty that Paul
exhorts us to fulfill is "to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond
of peace" - Ep 4:3
- Christ "attained" this unity by His work on the cross
- Our task is to "maintain" it
[Beginning, then, with a charge to "walk worthy of the calling with
which you were called" (Ep 4:1), Paul describes how to have a "worthy
walk", and that is by displaying...]
- This word means:
- The having a humble opinion of one's self
- A deep sense of one's (moral) littleness
- Modesty, humility, lowliness of mind
- This virtue is necessary in order in order to properly value
others around you - cf. Php 2:3-4
- Without this virtue, members in the body begin trying to be the
"head" of the body, a role reserved only for Christ
- This word can be translated as gentleness, mildness, meekness
- It is not a quality of weakness, but of power under control
- Moses was a meek man (Num 12:3), but capable of great
strength and boldness
- Jesus was "meek and lowly in heart" (Mt 11:29), but we see
where He drove the money changers out of the temple
- Thus it is being gentle, even when there is the potential for
being harsh, but gentleness is more conducive for maintaining
- The idea here is one of patience, forbearance, longsuffering,
slowness in avenging wrongs
- When the body consists of members who are not perfect, and
often sin against each other, maintaining unity is not possible
unless they are willing to endure each other's imperfections
- Similar to longsuffering, "bearing" means to sustain, to bear,
to endure
- What makes such "longsuffering" and "forbearance" possible is
another virtue: "love"
- As Paul wrote in his chapter on love: "love suffers long...is
not provoked" - 1Co 13:4-5
- Indeed, the virtue of love is the "tie" that binds all these
virtues together - cf. Col 3:12-14
- Displaying these virtues does not come naturally nor easy, nor
does maintaining unity
- Thus the need for much effort, as Paul uses a word which means
"to exert one's self, endeavor, give diligence"
[Only by giving diligence to display ALL these virtues, can we hope to
"keep (maintain) the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ep
But just as important as having the right "attitudes", is understanding
and holding to...]
- This refers to the body of Christ, the church - Ep 1:22-23
- Of course, Paul speaks here of the church in the "universal"
- The "body" of saved believers throughout the world
- Of which Christ is the "head", and "savior of the body" -
Ep 5:23
- While there may be many "local" churches (congregations), there
is only ONE "universal" church, with ONE "head" - Jesus Christ!
- This would be the Holy Spirit
- Who has already been described in this epistle...
- As "the Holy Spirit of promise" - Ep 1:13
- As "the guarantee of our inheritance" - Ep 1:14
- By Whom both Jew and Gentile have access to the Father -
Ep 2:18
- In Whom God habitats those who are being built a "holy
temple" - Ep 2:21-22
- By Whom the "mystery of Christ" was revealed to the apostles
and prophets - Ep 3:5
- Through Whom God strengthens with might the inner man -
Ep 3:16
- As the One whose "unity" is to be maintained in the bond of
peace - Ep 4:3
- For Paul, this pertains primarily to "the resurrection of the
dead" - Ac 23:6; 24:15; Ro 8:23-24; cf. 1Co 15:19-23; Php
- Which necessarily includes such concepts of "salvation" (1 Th
5:8) and "eternal life" (Tit 1:2; 3:7)
- This refers to Jesus, of course - 1Co 8:5-6
- Whom God has made "both Lord and Christ" - Ac 2:36
- This the body of truth, "the faith", which Jude says was "once
for all delivered to the saints" - Jude 3
- It is that "pattern of sound words" of that Paul taught Timothy
(2Ti 1:13), and which he was to commit to faithful men (2
Tit 2:2)
- We find this "pattern of sound words" in the pages of the New
Testament, which contains that which all Christians must
- This is the baptism...
- Commanded by Jesus - Mt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16
- Preached and commanded by His apostles - Ac 2:38; 10:48
- By which those who submit to are added to the Lord's body,
the church - Ac 2:42,47
- I.e., the baptism in which a penitent believer is immersed in
water for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit
- Ac 2:38; 10:47-48
- The Father, Who together with the Son and Holy Spirit, makes up
the "Godhead"
- Note that Paul emphasizes both:
- His personality ("Father of all")
- His transcendence and omnipresence ("who is above all, and
through all, and in you all")
[These "seven ones" constitute "the unity of the Spirit" that as
Christians we must be so diligent to keep "in the bond of peace". Not
one of these is "non-essential"! E.g., just as crucial as maintaining
who the "One Lord" is, so we must be steadfast in holding to the "One
To assist us in our efforts to "keep the unity of the Spirit", Christ
has given to His church certain "gifts". Let's now consider ...]
- They come from the bounty of Christ's grace (7)
- As prophesied, they were given after Christ ascended to heaven
- Is Paul referring to "spiritual gifts" (cf. 1Co 12:1-11), or
- If "spiritual gifts", then we should read verse 11 to say
"gave some to..."
- If "functions", then verse 11 should read "gave some to
- The use of "doreas" and "domata" instead of "charismata" in
verses 7-8 suggests Paul has in mind "functions", and not
"spiritual gifts"
- Understanding it as "functions", we see that Christ gave some
to be...
- Those who were to be eye-witnesses of the resurrection
- Ac 1:15-22
- Their role in the church was foundational, necessary to
the establishment of the church - Ep 2:20
- As such, their work or function was temporary
- These were inspired men and women used in the process of
revelation - Ep 3:5; cf. Ac 2:17; 11:28; 21:9
- As with the apostles, their role was foundational,
necessary to the establishment of the church - Ep 2:20
- Just as apostles were not replaced, so the prophets' role
was temporary - cf. 1Co 13:8
- Literally, "bearers of good news"
- These are individuals like Philip (Ac 21:8), who
proclaimed the gospel of Christ both publicly and
privately - cf. Ac 8:5-13,26-40
- Timothy was charged to "do the work of an evangelist"
- 2Ti 4:5
- Unlike apostles and prophets, their work does not involve
"laying the foundation", but rather building upon that
which is already laid, which they do every time they lead
someone to Christ
- Therefore, their work or function continues to the
- It may be that Paul intended these terms to describe one
function (because "some" is not repeated)
- The role of "pastor" (shepherd) certainly requires
"feeding" or teaching
- While there is indication elsewhere that there was a
special function of "teachers" in the local church -
Ac 13:1; 1Co 12:28-29; 2Ti 1:11; Jm 3:1
- The term "pastor" is found only here in the Scriptures,
but from Ac 20:17,28 and 1Pe 5:1-2 it becomes clear
that "pastors, shepherds, elders, presbyters, bishops,
overseers" are simply different terms describing the
spiritual leaders of local congregations
- The nature of the work of "pastors and teachers" (i.e.,
overseeing and feeding the flock of God) naturally
follows the work of the evangelists
- And like the function of evangelist, continues to the
- What about DEACONS?
- Clearly Paul does not intend this passage in Ephesians to
be an exhaustive list of functions in the Lord's church,
for he does not mention deacons - cf. Php 1:1; 1Ti 3:8
- But the list is adequate to illustrate the point: Christ
has given "gifts" to His church!
- To prepare members of the body for service ("equip the saints
for work of ministry")
- To build up the members of the body ("edify the body of
Christ"), so they...
- Can grow to maturity (13)
- Possessing the unity of the faith
- Having the knowledge of the Son of God
- Measuring up to the stature expected of those in Christ
- Will not be children (14)
- Tossed to and fro by every doctrine that comes along
- Easily deceived by cunning and false teachers
- But instead will be "growing upward" as the body of Christ
- Growing up in all things into the Head, Christ
- From which the whole body can grow, provided every part
does it share
- Made possible also as we "speak the truth in love" and
"edify itself in love"
- If we can just...
- Display the "attitudes" necessary for unity
- Hold fast to the "basis" upon which our unity rests
- Utilize the "gifts" Christ has given to assure we all come to the
unity of the faith
...then Christ's work on the cross will not be in vain! - cf. Ep
- Not only that, but then we will also truly conduct ourselves in a
manner "worthy of the calling with which you were called" - Ep 4:1
- We were called to be "fellow citizens with the saints and members
of the household of God" - Ep 2:19
- We were called to be "a holy temple in the Lord", "a habitation of
God in the Spirit" - Ep 2:21-22
- We were called to "make known the manifold wisdom of God" - Ep
Are you doing all you can as a member of the body of Christ to "walk
together in unity", and by so doing walk in manner worthy of our