Philip In The Gaza Desert

  1. From Peter's first two sermons, we saw that gospel preaching in the first century involved...
    1. Proclaiming the death, burial, resurrection and lordship of Jesus Christ
    2. Extolling the character of Jesus, and that He will one day return
    3. Calling on people to respond with faith, repentance, and baptism
    4. Offering the remission of sins, and the refreshing gift of the Spirit
  2. From Philip's preaching in the city of Samaria, we saw that it included...
    1. Proclaiming the kingdom of God and the name (character) of Jesus Christ
    2. Calling on people to believe on Him and to be baptized in His name (by His authority)

[As we continuing our survey of gospel preaching in the first century, we have another example of Philip preaching the gospel, this time to a single individual in the Gaza desert...]

      1. An angel of the Lord tells Philip to go toward Gaza - Ac 8:26
      2. On the way there is a man sitting in his chariot - Ac 8:27-28
        1. A eunuch of Ethiopia, in charge of the treasury of Queen Candace
        2. Returning home, having gone to worship in Jerusalem, reading the prophet Isaiah
      3. The Spirit tells Philip to overtake the chariot - Ac 8:29
      1. Hearing the eunuch reading Isaiah, Philip asks if he understands - Ac 8:30
      2. The eunuch asks Philip to help him - Ac 8:31-34
        1. He expresses the need for someone to guide him, and invites Philip to sit with him
        2. The scripture under consideration is Isa 53:7-8
          1. Which speaks of one led as a sheep to the slaughter
          2. Which describes one whose life is taken from the earth
        3. The eunuch asks if Isaiah was speaking of himself, or of someone else
      3. Beginning with that Scripture, Philip preaches Jesus to him - Ac 8:35

      [As before, with Philip in the city of Samaria, we are not give the details of the actual sermon. But from what is revealed we can infer much about what Philip preached...]

      1. Jesus died for our sins
        1. Isaiah reveals the reason for the Messiah's suffering - Isa 53:4-6,10-11
        2. Preaching Jesus therefore proclaims His death for our sins
      2. Jesus has been exalted
        1. Isaiah's prophecy begins and ends with the exaltation of the Messiah - Isa 52:13; 53:12
        2. The theme of Jesus' exaltation permeated Peter's preaching - cf. Ac 2:36; 5:30-31
        3. Preaching Jesus therefore pronounces that He has been exalted by God
      1. The importance of baptism
        1. Notice the question asked by the eunuch - Ac 8:36
        2. "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?"
        3. Preaching Jesus clearly included preaching on baptism!
      2. The immediacy of baptism
        1. The Ethiopian was anxious to obey; Philip was willing to accommodate him - Ac 8:38
          1. Why the urgency? Why not wait until they got to town, or to a church?
          2. Others were baptized immediately, even after midnight - e.g., Ac 16:30-33
        2. The reason for such urgency is clearly taught elsewhere
          1. Baptism is for the remission of sins - cf. Ac 2:38; 22:16
          2. We experience the working of God, and put on Christ - cf. Col 2:12-13; Ga 3:27
      1. The necessity of faith
        1. Philip's response to the eunuch's question qualified who should be baptized - Ac 8:37
          1. "If you believe...you may"
          2. Faith is a necessary prerequisite to baptism, which precludes infant baptism
        2. Indeed faith is necessary to salvation - cf. Jn 8:24
          1. Through faith we can have life in His name - cf. Jn 20:30-31
          2. Baptism is a working of God when our faith is present - Col 2:12
      2. The necessity of heartiness
        1. Philip required a wholehearted faith - Ac 8:37
          1. "If you believe with all your heart, you may"
          2. Baptism without such faith renders one simply wet!
        2. The sort of hearty sincerity God has always required
          1. By the children of Israel under the Law - Mt 22:37
          2. By the partakers of Christ today - He 3:12-14
    4. THE RESPONSE...
      1. The eunuch is baptized immediately - Ac 8:38
      2. The eunuch goes on his way rejoicing - Ac 8:39
  1. From Philip's preaching in the Gaza desert, preaching Jesus in the first century included...
    1. Preaching about the suffering and exaltation of Christ
    2. Preaching the necessity and immediacy of baptism by a sincere believer
  2. Today, many do not preach Jesus as did Philip (and Peter)...
    1. They ignore baptism altogether, or render it insignificant
    2. They call upon people to pray, when apostolic preaching commanded people to be baptized

Has Jesus truly been preached to you, as Philip preached to both the Samaritans and the Eunuch...?