The Practice Of Prayer - II

  1. In part one of "The Practice Of Prayer", we considered...
    1. How to pray, with the aid of the Lord's prayer
    2. When to pray, suggesting both set times and spontaneous prayers
  2. In part two of "The Practice Of Prayer", we shall now consider...
    1. With whom to pray, alone or with others?
    2. For what to pray, besides what has already been suggested

[Again we turn to Jesus the master teacher, especially with regards to prayer, as we consider...]

      1. Jesus encouraged the practice of praying in secret - Mt 6:5-6
      2. Private prayer cultivates our spiritual nature through regular exercise
        1. "Prayer is the spiritual gymnasium in which we exercise and practice godliness." - V. L. Crawford
        2. "...Prayer is educative. The man who prays grows; and the muscles of the soul swell from this whipcord to iron bands." - Frederick B. Meyer
        3. The opposite is also true: "Seven days without prayer makes one weak." - Allan E. Bartlette
      3. Private prayer forms a close union and fellowship with our Heavenly Father
        1. It is just you and Him
        2. Time spent together strengthens the bond of fellowship
      4. Private prayer is a true test of your sincerity and devotion
        1. You certainly are not doing it to please men (they cannot see you)
        2. You can't be trying to falsely impress God (He will see right through you)
      5. Private prayer will be rewarded "openly" - Mt 6:6
        1. The answers to our prayer will be seen by others
        2. Both here and in the hereafter
        -- Private prayer should be a priority in the practice of praying
      1. Jesus also spoke of praying with others - Mt 18:19-20
        1. Where the requests of two or three are answered by our Father in heaven
        2. For in their midst is Jesus Himself, who also intercedes for them - cf. Ro 8:34
      2. Early Christians prayed together often...
        1. In times of trouble - Ac 4:23-24; 12:5,12; 16:25
        2. In times of departure - Ac 20:36; 21:5
      3. Immediate blessings when God's people pray together
        1. A sweetness of fellowship
        2. A sense of strength
        -- Praying with others should be done whenever possible

      [In the "Lord's Prayer" (Mt 6:9-14) we find what sort of things we should pray about. Elsewhere in the Scriptures, we find there are many things for which we can pray as we consider...]

      1. Self
        1. For physical daily needs - Mt 6:11
        2. For personal growth in Christ-likeness and devotion to God - Col 1:9-12
      2. Family
        1. For spouse, children, parents, siblings, etc.
        2. For their nurture and growth in the teaching of the Lord - Ep 6:4
      3. Community
        1. For peace to prevail
        2. E.g., Jer 29:7
      4. Church
        1. For love and unity to prevail - Jn 13:35; 17:20-21
        2. For the spiritual growth of each member - Php 1:9-11
        3. For the gospel to have free course - 2Th 3:1
      5. Nation
        1. For national repentance and consciousness of who God is - Ps 33:12; Pr 14:34
        2. For leaders to rule wisely - 1Ti 2:2
      6. Nonbelievers
        1. For their salvation - Ro 10:1
        2. For the effort of those involved in teaching them - Ep 6:18-20
      7. The sick
        1. For their restoration to health - Jm 5:14-15
        2. For spiritual strength and peace of mind - Jm 5:16
      8. The poor and oppressed
        1. Such as the homeless, fatherless, unborn children - Pr 29:7
        2. Those in other nations oppressed by their own rulers or outside influences
        -- There is certainly much for which we ought to pray!
      1. On Monday - Family
        1. Pray for both immediate and extended family members
        2. For both their physical and spiritual well-being
      2. On Tuesday - Church
        1. For members in the local congregation
        2. For Christians and congregations throughout the world
      3. On Wednesday - Community
        1. For community leaders
        2. For your neighbors
      4. On Thursday - Nation
        1. For elected officials
        2. For efforts to bring peace and righteousness
      5. On Friday - World
        1. For world peace
        2. For nations that are "closed" to the gospel
      6. On Saturday - Afflicted
        1. For the poor, homeless, jobless
        2. For those in prison
        3. For those who are sick
        4. For widows, single mothers, fatherless children
        -- A simpler prayer strategy: morning-family; noon-church; evening-community
  1. Such strategies are simply suggestions to provide some direction in prayer...
    1. Develop one that suits you
    2. One might also keep a list or journal of those for whom you are praying
  2. The important thing is to PRAY, and to do so:
    1. "always"
    2. "in everything"
    3. "earnestly"
    4. "being vigilant"
    5. "without ceasing"

I pray this study on prayer will encourage us to be more diligent in utilizing the wonderful privilege of prayer...!

"Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving;" - Col 4:2