Definition And Value Of Relationship Evangelism
- In our beginning study, we examined some of the forces which hinder
our effectiveness in evangelism...
- Too many people
- Life is too fast and complicated
- Our exposure to limited evangelism models
- Misunderstanding "separation"
- The credibility gap
- One approach to evangelism that takes these forces into consideration
is "Relationship Evangelism" (also known as "Lifestyle Evangelism")
- The purpose in this lesson is to DEFINE what "Relationship
Evangelism" is, and then notice its VALUE in comparison to other
methods of evangelism
- First and foremost is the message of the gospel of Christ
- Ro 1:16
- But there is also the manifestation of the gospel in the life
of the Christian - cf. 1Pe 3:1-2
- Adapting the two means to the best advantage for the person we
are seeking to lead to Christ
- A process of developing meaningful relationships with other
- In which we allow the beauty of the gospel to first be
demonstrated in our lives
- In which we "build bridges" (develop relationships) with our
prospects that allow the "traffic" (i.e., the gospel) to
flow freely and naturally
- That which involves gradually developing relationships with
those who are lost...
- By working with an unlimited pool of contacts (family,
friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.)
- By normally starting with those closest to us and working
outward in "concentric circles of concern"
- The development of relationships that involve several
progressive levels...
- The initial contact
- Becoming better acquainted
- Being a servant
- Being a friend
- Sharing your faith
- Witness of the "Body"
- Exposure to the gospel
- Invitation
-- These will be covered in more detail in succeeding lessons
[Therefore, "Relationship Evangelism" is where we have enough love and
concern for the lost...
- That we are willing to make the effort to develop relationships
with them
- So that we can by both "word" and "example" share the gospel of
Christ with them
What value does this approach have over others?]
- "Relationship Evangelism" requires that our spiritual growth
and development be what it should be!
- Other forms of evangelism (e.g., preaching, door-knocking,
correspondence courses, etc.) can be utilized by hypocrites
or those less than truly dedicated Christians
- But to be effective in "Relationship Evangelism" our lives
must be:
- "An open book"
- "Rated G"
- "...an epistle of Christ, known and read by all men."
- cf. 2Co 3:2-3
- So by adopting this approach to evangelism, it will:
- Motivate us to draw closer to God
- Make us better Christians
- "Relationship Evangelism" gets us out of the church building,
into the lives of those who are lost
- Where we can be "salt" and "light"
- Where we can humbly demonstrate a better way of life
- Adopting this approach to evangelism can:
- Make our neighborhoods a better place in which to live
- Improve the moral environment in our places of employment
- What may have worked well in times past may not today because
of changing conditions
- It used to be that the majority of Americans were of a
"Christian" background
- Though non-Christians, they held to basic Christian
morals and beliefs (God, the Bible, the Judgment, etc.)
- In such cases, a simple presentation of the gospel was
often all that was needed
- But today, the majority is now what can be called
"secular, or other religion" background
- I.e., worldly-minded, or holding to non-Christian
religions, they do not hold to basic Christian morals
and beliefs
- In such cases, a lot of preparation of the "soil" must
sometimes be made prior to the planting of the "seed"
- It used to be that most Christians knew how to easily
develop new relationships with other people
- Many Christians had close friends, associates, who though
of a "Christian" background were like Apollos - cf. Ac
- In such relationships, it was easy to discuss religious
differences over a period of time without breaking off
all contact after a few disagreements
- But due to the "hindrances" mentioned in our first
lesson, many Christians today don't have such
relationships, and don't know how to be close friends
with those of different faiths
- Again, "Relationship Evangelism" takes these changing
conditions into consideration
- In his book, "Why Churches Grow," Flavil Yeakley made the
following observations based upon his study of growing and
dying churches:
- "The data presented in these tables strongly support the
idea that establishment of a pattern of friendship is an
important part of the conversion process." (p. 64)
- "Thus the Christ who lives in the heart of the individual
members of that congregation is formed in the heart of the
new convert. A personal relationship is essential in the
process." (p. 53)
- "These data suggest that when subjects formed personal
relationships with members of the congregation, they were
likely to remain faithful. When they did not form such
personal relationships, they were likely to drop out of the
church." (p.54)
- I.e., where a personal relationship was used as a vehicle to
present the gospel...
- A person is more likely to convert to Christ
- A person is more likely to remain converted to Christ
- Finally, consider the results of a survey by The Institute For
American Church Growth, who asked over 10,000 people this
question: "What was responsible for your coming to Christ and
this church?" - Their replies:
- I had a special need - 2%
- I just walked in - 3%
- I like the minister - 6%
- I visited there - 1%
- I like the Bible classes - 5%
- I attended a gospel meeting - 0.5%
- I liked the programs - 3%
- A friend or relative invited me - 79%
-- Does this not tell us something?
- I am not suggesting that "Relationship Evangelism" is the ONLY way
to do personal work
- Many souls have been brought to Christ through other means
- It may be that you are more suited to use other methods
- But "Relationship Evangelism" is a viable option which...
- Takes into consideration some of the forces which hinder our
effectiveness in evangelism
- Makes us better Christians in the process of trying to influence
the lost
- Is an easy, natural, less confrontational way to share the gospel
with others
- Is more likely to be successful in leading souls to Christ and
keeping them faithful to the Lord!
- In the next lesson, we will discuss "The Evangelism Prospect List,"
a helpful tool in developing relationships with non-Christians
NOTE: At this point the material in this series might best be used by
Christians in a weekly class in which they meet to:
- Study and discuss the remaining material
- Encourage one another to set weekly goals for implementing the
suggestions that will be made in later lessons
- Evaluate the success or failure to meet such goals and make
whatever alterations may be deemed suitable in setting new goals