Is Islam A Religion Of Peace?

  1. The main tenets of Islam can be very appealing...
    1. A call to believe in one God, the God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus
    2. A call to repentance and submission to the will of God
    3. A call to holy living, involving diligent prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage
  2. Yet the early history of Islam and recent events have many people wondering...
    1. Is Islam a religion of peace?
    2. Does Islam allow people to live together in harmony regardless of race, class or beliefs?
  3. Most Muslims say they are for living together in peace and harmony...
    1. Especially those living in countries where Muslims are in the minority
    2. Yet one might ask, "Is this because of Islam, or in spite of Islam?"
    3. Would there be calls for peace and tolerance if Muslims were the majority?

[There are several things to consider as one seeks to provide an answer to such questions. First, let's take a look at...]

      1. Islam is claimed to be the true religion
        1. "The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will)" - Qur'an 3:19
        2. "Generally this statement is understood to mean that the true religion in the sight of God is Islam and that Islam alone is the way of life acceptable with Allah." - S. Abul A'La Maududi, The Religion Of Truth
      2. It is to be proclaimed over all other religions
        1. "It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it)."- Qur'an 9:33
        2. "We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not." - Qur'an 34:28
      3. It is meant to be accepted by all
        1. "Allah's Revelation, through the Holy Prophet, was not meant for one faith or tribe, one race or set of people. It was meant for all mankind, to whom, if they turn to Allah, it is a Message of the glad tidings of His Mercy, and if they do not turn to Him, it is a warning against sin the inevitable Punishment." - Abdullah Yusuf Ali commenting on Qur'an 34:28
        2. "But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs, -- they shall be Companions of Hellfire." - Qur'an 5:86
        -- Of course, at this point the same can be said of Christianity; but there is more...
      1. "...in Islam there is no division or distinction between what in the West is called 'Church and State'. In fact westerners refer to the Islamic form of government as a theocracy."
      2. "Thus contemporary political-religious groups focus on social, political, and economic aspects of Muslim societies. They oppose the secular state and instead call for the establishment of a 'Muslim State'. " - Introduction To Islam, M. Cherif Bassiouni
      3. "Islamic law differs from western legal systems in at least two major respects: scope and value."
        1. "Western systems of law govern one's relationship to the state and to fellow beings. The scope of Islamic law is much wider, since it regulates one's relationship with God and conscience, in addition to the state and to fellow-beings. In this sense, Islamic law is a comprehensive code of behavior that embraces both private and public acts."
        2. "Western legal systems adapt to the changing circumstances of contemporary society. Islamic law, however, is conceived as the immutable embodiment of divine will, imposed by God upon Islamic society. The process of interpretation and adaptation of Islamic law is held to have been completed in the past with the crystallization of the legal manuals." - Solomon Nigosian, Islam: The Way Of Submission
      4. Islam is not content to be practiced as a personal religion; its goal is to create...
        1. The ideal ummah (Muslim community)
        2. Political states with all citizens required to submit to Shari'ia (Islamic law)
        -- It is this aspect of Islam that creates the potential for great conflict among nations

      [Christians view the kingdom of God as spiritual (Jn 18:36; Ro 14:17), where Christians can live under any form of human government (cf. 1 Pe 2:12-17). Islam, however, will not be satisfied until all governments and peoples conform to Islamic law. Accomplishing this goal includes...]

      1. The term "jihad", often translated holy war, literally means struggle
      2. When studied chronologically, the Qur'an concept of war appears to evolve:
        1. Stage one: no retaliation (in Mecca)
        2. Stage two: defensive fighting permitted (first instruction in Medina)
        3. Stage three: defensive fighting commanded (revised instruction in Medina)
        4. Stage four: offensive war commanded to kill pagans and humble Christians and Jews (after conquering Mecca)
        -- cf. Richard P. Bailey, Jihad: The Teaching of Islam From Its Primary Sources - The Qur'an and Hadith
      3. This may help us understand why there is diversity of opinions among Muslims as to the meaning and application of jihad today; especially when the Qur'an contains words as these:
        1. "Let those who would exchange the life of this world for the hereafter, fight for the cause of God; whether he dies or triumphs, We shall richly reward him. ... The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan ..." (Qur'an 4:74,76)
        2. "The believers who stay at home -- apart from those that suffer a grave impediment -- are not the equals of those who fight for the cause of God with their goods and their persons. God has given those that fight with their goods and their persons a higher rank than those who stay at home ..." (Qur'an 4:95,96)
        3. "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. ...lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way ..." (Qur'an 9:5)
        4. "Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land. They shall be held up to shame in this world and sternly punished in the hereafter: except those that repent before you reduce them ..." (Qur'an 5:34, 35)
        5. "Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme" (Qur'an 8:39)
        6. "Prophet, rouse the faithful to arms. If there are twenty steadfast men among you, they shall vanquish two hundred; and if there are a hundred, they shall rout a thousand unbelievers, for they are devoid of understanding." (Qur'an 8:65)
        7. "Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given...and do not embrace the true Faith, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Qur'an 9:29)
      1. "Jihad, as an Islamic concept, can be on a personal level -- inner struggle against evil within oneself; struggle for decency and goodness on the social level; and struggle on the battlefield, if and when necessary." - 1st Islamic Web (http://islamicweb.com)
      2. "Islam permits fighting in self-defense, in defense of religion, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat that include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees and livestock. As Muslims see it, injustice would be triumphant in the world if good people were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause." - ibid.
      3. There is diversity of opinion among Muslims regarding the meaning of jihad
        1. "Some Muslims, like Sufis, promote the conquest of one's self as 'the greater holy war', while they disparage conflict with unbelievers or infidels as 'the lesser holy war'."
        2. "Others put forward the argument that fighting, or holy war, is justified only in self-defense."
        3. "Still others, like Zaydi and the Ahmadiyya, reject the idea of fighting or holy war and advocate peaceful negotiation as the most effective means for upholding the principles of Islam." - Solomon Nigosian, Islam: The Way Of Submission
        4. Of course, there are the extreme Islamic fundamentalists, who make it clear that their concept of jihad includes the killing of innocent civilians in an offensive war for God

        [When the more radical concept of jihad is applied to accomplish the ultimate goal of Islam (creating political Islamic states), there is bound to be war. The question as to whether Islam promotes peace can also be answered by looking at...]

      1. Muhammad adopted the Arabic custom of ghazu (raids), raiding caravans for booty to support families
      2. After the death of Muhammad, the first four successors to Muhammad (known as the Rashidun, the "rightly guided" caliphs) were men of war...
        1. Abu Bakr, Muhammad's close friend and early follower, found himself preoccupied with the wars of riddah (apostasy)
        2. Umar ibn al-Katthab, another associate of Muhammad, sought to preserve the unity of the ummah by extending the ghazu (raids) to neighboring countries
        3. Uthman ibn Affan, another associate of Muhammad, continued the ghazu (raids)
        4. Ali ibn Abi Talib, cousin of Muhammad, whose rule was marred by a five year civil war known as the first fitnah (time of temptation)
      3. For the next 300 years, the history of Islam involves...
        1. Expansion through military conquest
        2. Civil wars as various Islamic factions struggle for power
        3. Assassinations, massacres, executions, inquisitions of Muslims by Muslims
      4. "People of the Book" (Jews and Christians) were dhimmis (protected subjects)...
        1. Allowed to practice their faith and offered military protection
        2. But forced to pay a special tribute (jizya), and unable to convert Muslims, marry Muslim women, or hold high government office
      1. In every country where Shari'ia (Islamic law) is embraced...
        1. At best, non-Muslims face discrimination, social ostracism, harassment
        2. At worst, non-Muslims face prison, torture and death for practicing their religion
        3. Muslims may not convert to another religion, under the threat of death
      2. In recent events, we see terrorism against innocent civilians in the name of Islam...
        1. Approved by many Muslims in Islamic nations
        2. Condemned weakly if at all by Muslims in non-Islamic nations
  1. Is Islam a religion of peace? It is difficult to say "yes" in view of...
    1. The objectives of Islam, as held all Muslims
    2. The concept of jihad, as espoused by many Muslims
    3. The history of Islam, as manifested in both the past and present
  2. Present-day Muslims appear to be going through an identity crisis...
    1. Moderates seek to redefine Islam (and jihad) as a spiritual struggle for peace
    2. Extremists seek to define Islam (and jihad) as a literal struggle for peace

Which view of Islam will prevail remains to be seen. But the true religion of peace is that proclaimed by the Prince of Peace and His apostles who renounced the use of the sword to further the cause of truth...! - cf. Jn 18:36; Ro 12:17-21; 2Co 10:3-5; Jm 3:17-18; 1 Pe 2:11-17