1. Soon after conversion, or when moving to a new area, people often seek church membership...
    1. They desire to become members of a local congregation
    2. Which is a good thing, for both them and the church
  2. Often there are questions regarding church membership...
    1. What is church membership?
    2. Is church membership really necessary?
    3. What benefits are there to church membership?
    4. What obligations are there to church membership?
    5. How does one become a member of the church?

[This study will seek to answer such questions. Because the Bible speaks of the church in two primary senses (universal and local), let's first consider membership...]

    1. DEFINITION...
      1. The church universal is that church Jesus promised to build - Mt 16:18
      2. It is referred to as the body of Christ - Ep 1:22-23
      3. There is only one body, or church - Ep 4:4
      4. This one body is made up of individual members - Ro 12:4-5; 1Co 12:27
      -- The church universal consists of all Christians, with Christ as the head
    2. PRIVILEGES...
      1. Those in this church are saved, as Christ is the Savior of the body - Ep 5:23
      2. They enjoy all spiritual blessings, which are found only in Christ - Ep 1:3
      3. Such blessings include forgiveness of sins - Ep 1:7
      4. Such blessings include the privilege of prayer - He 4:14-16
      -- Those in the church universal enjoy blessings now and in the future
      1. To remain connected to the Head, the Branch (Christ) - cf. Jn 15:1-8
      2. To do their part in the body - Ep 4:15-16
      3. To fulfill whatever function they can - Ro 12:4-8
      4. To love the brotherhood (all Christians) - 1Pe 2:17; cf. 1:22; 3:8
      -- Membership has it privileges, but it also has its obligations
      1. Those who were baptized were "added" - Ac 2:41
      2. Those being saved were added by the Lord to His church - cf. Ac 2:47
      3. By one Spirit they were baptized into one body (the church) - 1Co 12:13; cf. Tit 3:5
      -- One becomes a member of the church universal when they are saved

    [If one wishes to be a member of the church universal, they need to obey the gospel of Christ in faith, repentance, and baptism (cf. Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2:38-41). Then they are ready to become members...]

    1. DEFINITION...
      1. The church local is a group of Christians who meet and work together - e.g., 1Th 1:1
      2. There are many such churches, not just one - Ro 16:16; Ga 1:2; Ac 9:31
      3. Some form of membership in such churches is indicated - e.g., Ro 16:1,5; Col 4:9
      -- The church local is made up of Christians in one location who agree to work together
    2. PRIVILEGES...
      1. A spiritual family - Mk 10:28-30; 1Ti 5:1-2
      2. Strength from older Christians - Ro 15:1; Ga 6:1
      3. Mutual comfort in addition to that received from God - cf. 2 Co 1:3-5
      4. The prayers of brethren - Jm 5:14-16
      -- Those in local churches enjoy blessings not experienced by "floaters"
      1. To bear one another's burdens - Ga 6:2
      2. To exhort one another - He 3:12-14
      3. To assemble together - He 10:24-25; e.g., Ac 20:7
      4. To serve one another with whatever abilities we have - 1Pe 4:10-11
      5. To care for one another, and to seek peace - 1Th 5:11-15
      6. To withdraw from brethren walking disorderly - 2Th 3:6-15
      -- Membership has it privileges, but it also has its obligations
      1. Membership in a local congregation is not automatic (e.g., the eunuch) - Ac 8:39
      2. It is must be sought out by an individual (e.g., Saul) - Ac 9:26a
      3. The congregation must be willing to extend fellowship (e.g., Jerusalem) - cf. Ac 9:26b
      4. A recommendation can help expedite the process (e.g., Barnabas) - cf. Ac 9:27-28
      5. The actual vetting process may vary from congregation to congregation
      -- A person becomes a member of a church local when they are accepted as such
  1. Church membership is a worthy aspiration...
    1. Membership in the church universal is necessary for salvation
    2. Membership in the church local is needed for spiritual growth and service
  2. Church membership in both aspects is attained...
    1. First when we are added to church universal by the Lord when we are saved
    2. Then when we join ourselves to a local church through mutual consent to work together

Have you become a member of the church universal through obeying the gospel of Christ? Have you become a member of a local church so you can fulfill your duties to Christ and His brethren...?